About Evolution
The Treasury Organization was in existence before the Independence of India. After the Independence, the Treasury Organization was under the control of Revenue Department / District Administration. In 1956 separate directorate in the name of (Treasury & A/C) Finance Department Punjab was established under the control of Finance department. There are more than 550 DDO’s in District Ludhiana.
The main functions of this office are:
1. Sale of Stamp Papers to the Public and Stamp Vendors.
2. Payments of the Bills like Salaries, Travelling Expenses, Office Expenses, Petrol, Medical, Ex-Gratia, Retirement Benefits presented by the various Drawing and Disbursing Officers.
3. Payment of Refund Vouchers of the Hon?ble Courts, Stamp Papers, GLADA etc.
4. Transfer of fresh Pension papers of the retired Govt. employees to the Public Sector Banks.
5. All kinds of correspondence of Accountant General Punjab (A&E) Chandigarh regarding pensioners and with the concerned Banks where the pensioner/ family pensioner is drawing his/her pension.
6. Accounting of Receipts like Excise Duty, Sale Tax, Transport Tax etc of the Punjab Govt.
7. Grant in Aid to Private Aided Schools.
Computerisation of Treasury
Up to 31-03-2002 the treasury was working manually and from 1-04-2002 the working of treasury was switched over to Computerized Treasury. The software has been provided by NIC, Punjab State Unit, Chandigarh. From August 2011, the IFMS software has been developed by the T.C.S. and subsequently IFMS Software was developed by NIC on 01/04/2020. Which is running in all the Treasury Offices of the State. The main features of this software is to control over the Budget like of Plan, Non Plan, Centrally sponsored Schemes from 01.04.2012. It is the responsibility of the head of the department to distribute the budget scheme wise and feed through the Login ID issued by the NIC to DDO. All bills are to be presented by the DDO through ONLINE. The DDOs can see the status of every bill of the department by using the Login ID issued by the NIC. Now all the reports are generated through the computer. The main object of the treasury for switching over to computerization is to bring transparency.
The receipts and payments of accounts are also prepared through the computer. This system has also facilitated the Accountant General Punjab, and office to achieve their goals. Computerization of account for primary units i.e. challan, vouchers, compiled accounts, inward / outward settlements accounts and adjustments etc.
This system has facilitated the timely rendition of accounts to the Accountant General, Punjab, Chandigarh office. Effective use of data for generation of additional control on statements. This has also helped the state Govt. to achieve better financial control through innovative use of data.
At present Smt. Harjinder Kaur is working as District Treasury Officer Ludhiana.
There are Six Sub Treasuries under the control of the District Treasury Office Ludhiana.
1. Khanna
2. Samrala
3. Raikot
4. Payal
5. Jagraon
6. Maloudh
Now All District Treasury Offices and Sub-Treasuries offices are working in IFMS software from 01.04.2020 Developed by NIC.

Building of Treasury Office