About NIC
NIC District Centre Ludhiana came into existence in November 1988 at Room No.125, First Floor, District Administrative Complex, Ludhiana. Since then, it has been providing various IT related services to State / Central Government departments in the district.
Objective of NIC
The long term objective of the National Informatics Centre, as approved by the Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance and the erstwhile Electronics Commission, had been to establish the feasibility of a system for the provision of detailed information to government ministers and agencies to assist them in making decisions relating to the country’s economic and social development, planning and program implementation. NIC was set up with the aforementioned objective to promote economic, social, scientific and technological activities, and also for macro-economic adjustments program of the Government, through the applications of Information Technology (I.T.)
Title | Details |
District Informatics Officer (DIO) | Neeraj Garg, Deputy Director (IT) |
District Informatics Associate (DIA) | Sanjay, Scientific Technical Assistant |
E-mail id | punldh[at]nic[dot]in |
Telephone No. | 0161-2430437 |
Address. | NIC District Unit, Room No. 125, First Floor District Administrative Complex Ferozepur Road,Ludhiana. |
District Website
The present web site of district Ludhiana is fully revamped on the basis of S3Waas platform. This website was launched by the Worthy Deputy Commissioner of Ludhiana on dated 21-08-2018. Site has been designed and developed by NIC District Unit Ludhiana. This website got the Certified Accessible Website (CAS) certificate From S3WaaS, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, STQC Directorate in 2019
E-Office :
The e-Office system is an integrated file and records management system that allows employees to manage content, search for data internally and collaborate. The file system also enables the electronic movement and the tracking of files, and the archival and retrieval of data.This project is also implemented in various other department/offices like GST Ludhiana, Punjab Agriculture University (PAU), Ludhiana, Excise department,Co-operative department, GLADA, DSSO etc
E-Office project implemented in all the branches of Deputy Commissioner Office Ludhiana.
For more details please visit http://eoffice.punjab.gov.in.
iHRMS is an Integrated Human Resource Management System. NIC Ludhiana implemented this project in whole district module by module in the department of district ludhiana. Imparted training to the concerned staff and technical support provided from time to time for the successful implementation of iHRMS.
iHRMS successfully implemented for the Office of Deputy Commissioner office ludhiana, Commissioner Police Ludhiana, Education department Ludhiana, District Industry Centre Ludhiana, Homeguard Ludhiana, Public Works Department Ludhiana , Food and Civil Supply Ludhiana, Social Security Office Ludhiana and various Other departments under district Ludhiana.
For more details please visit https://hrms.punjab.gov.in/
Aadhar Enabled Bio Metric Attendance System (AEBAS) :
The purpose AEBAS system is to enable an employee with an Aadhaar Number, to mark his/her attendance in the government offices through Bio-metric Authentication device. For this purpose, Authentication Tablets/Desktop Authentication devices will be installed in each offices of the Central Ministries/Departments.
NIC Ludhiana was the first department in district Ludhiana to implement AEBAS. Later NIC Ludhiana provided technical support to all the Centre Govt departments like Custom and Central Excise, Income Tax, CIPHET, EPF, Jt DGFT, MERADO, ATI and other central Govt departments to implement this AEBAS.
AEBAS is running successfully in all the departments (where installed and implemented). For more details please visit https://attendance.gov.in/
Dak Monitoring System (DMS) :
Dak Monitoring System (DMS) prepared by NIC is used for the monitoring of the daily daks received/send in the department. NIC Ludhiana implemented the DMS for various offices like Deputy Commissioner Office Ludhiana, SSP Office Khanna etc.
NIC Ludhiana is providing technical support to all the departments on the PB-PGRAMS web portal . This portal is developed for making the Online complaints against the department. Applicant can file the complaint online and then can further check the status of its complaint at any time using this web portal. For more details please visit http://publicgrievancepb.gov.in/
Video Conferencing :
Video Conferencing Facility started in the NIC District Centre in January 2005. This brings the decision makers and action takers together, face to face, wherever they are across the country and around the Globe. Experts from remote locations can interact with each other in real time interactive mode. By providing strong channels of visual, graphical and multimedia communication, video-conferencing opens new vistas of functioning of government and service delivery mechanism is enabled for various sectors of Indian economy.
NIC is also conducting the video conferencing sessions related with the RTI cases of CIC(Central Information commission ) and SICP (State Information Commission of Punjab).
Video Conferencing Room at NIC District Centre Ludhiana. For more details please visit https://reserve.nic.in/
AGMARKNET Software is used to computerize data on market fee, market charges, total arrivals, arrivals by agencies , prices, storage, dispatches with destination, mode of transportation , costs, sold and unsold stocks, method of sale, payment ,weighing facility, grading facilities etc.
AGMARKNET Software is implemented in all the market committees of district Ludhiana under different phases. For more details please visit http://agmarknet.gov.in/
NGDRS (National Generic Document Registration System) IGRPUNJAB.gov.in :
NGDRS is specifically designed for sub registrars, citizens Apex users from registration department and covers complete user interface for Document Registration process. It is a web-enabled common generic configurable document registration application developed using open source technologies. Main features is that citizen can apply online for property registration and valuation of the property is done online and he can also made payments online. It completely eliminates the brokers from the system. This project was implemented in district ludhiana in June 2018. PLRS(Punjab Land Records Society) is the executing agency for this project.
IFMS (Integrated Financial management System)
IFMS is a web based solution used by Govt. of Punjab for monitoring of Receipts and Expenditures. There are 4 Module like E-Budget, E-treasury, E- Receipt and MIS Module. Training imparted to all the department of district Ludhiana and time to time queries resolved. IFMS in all the departments of district ludhiana . This project was launched in April 2020 and working smoothly now. For more details please visit https://ifms.punjab.gov.in/
Computerization of District Treasury Office
Ludhiana was the first district in Punjab to computerize Treasury Office. NIC had fully computerized the District Treasury Office, Ludhiana. All treasury works like Bills, Accounts, data transfer, receipt, Pension, daily data from banks, maintaining of budget etc. were computerized successfully in 2001.
Vehicle Management System(VMS)
VMS is a web based application to gather information about the Government vehicles being operated in the state of Punjab, to calculate vehicle wise expenses (Running / Maintenance), to help Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) in generating expenses under (Petroleum Oil and Lubricants) POL head of each vehicle, Condemnation of vehicles based on predefined terms and to facilitate Crisis Management. To implement it successfully in the district , various training including hands on sessions were conducted and officials trained in using the VMS. Also regular support is being provided to users department and also coordinating with state team to resolve their issues.
For more details please visit https://vms.punjab.gov.in/#/
It is used by all IAS and IPS Officers for the submission of their Annual Confidential Report (ACR) and Annual Property Return(APR) . NIC Ludhiana is Providing technical assistance in submission of APR and ACR.
Revenue Court Management System(RCMS)
Revenue Court Management System (eRCMS) facilitates management and monitoring of Court Cases pertaining to Revenue Courts. It has been implemented in the revenue courts of the Deputy Commissioner, SDM, Tehsildar and Naib Tehsildar. It facilitates case Institution, capturing the Petitioner/Respondent details, Property details under dispute and previous case detail(if any)Allocation of hearing date(s) and provision to update facility to record of case proceeding(s)Generation of various kinds of Summons, Generation of Cause List.RCMS is running in 35 revenue courts of district ludhiana
Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners
Installed Jeevan Pramaan s/w and BIO Metric device in the office of District Treasury Ludhiana, District Sainik Welfare office Ludhiana, so that pensioners can generate life certificate from there. Also provided training to the officials of District Treasury Ludhiana and Sub treasuries. Training and assistance provided to the officials of DPDO and Ex Service Man helpline of Army, State bank of India and Punjab national Bank staff in 2014 in registration of their pensioners and issue of digital life certificate during the camp. Installed Jeevan Pramaan Application & Bio-Metric Devices in their office. Special Camps were also organized.
Lease Line Connectivity :
NIC Ludhiana is providing Lease Line connectivity to various departments like Post Office(Ludhiana Head post Office, Ludhiana Speed Post Office, Khanna and Jagraon Post Offices) , Pay and Account Office, Jt. Director General Foreign Trade (Jt. DGFT) etc. NIC is providing 2 Mbps Lease Line connectivity to these departments through BSNL.
NIC Ludhiana is also assisting to the departments like CIPHET, GADVASU, School of IT(PAU)under the NKN Project. These departments have 100 mbps lease line connectivity under the NKN project.
Elections Software :
All the technical work like Data compilation , Data entry , authenticity of data, Polling Duties of the staff, Various Reports(like individual order, Party list, Department list, order for reserved staff, consolidated party order), Affidavits’ scanning, Randomization of polling staff, Randomization of the EVM machines, Result etc for various elections of Vidhan Sabha, Lok Sabha, Panchayat, Zila Parishad etc is done with the assistance of NIC for several years. NIC’s DISE (District Information System for Elections)approved by the Election Commission of India, is used for elections.
Internet and E-mail Connectivity to user department :
NIC Ludhiana also providing E-mail and Internet Connectivity to various Central Government and State Government Departments/Offices.
NIC has developed these two softwares SARTHI and VAHAN at National level for the Computerization of the Driving Licenses and Registration of the Vehicles. SARTHI and VAHAN Softwares successfully implemented for Regional Transport Authority (RTA), Ludhiana, SDM Offices of Ludhiana, Jagraon and Khanna.
For more information visit VAHAN’s website : https://vahan.nic.in/nrservices/
Computerization of the Ludhiana Central Jail. :
NIC has computerized the Ludhiana Central Jail , on the outline of Tihar Prisons. Central Jail Ludhiana was taken as a pilot Jail in Punjab for the computerization. Under the Computerization of the Central Jail Ludhiana, NIC has implemented two softwares namely Prison Management System (PMS) and the Visitor Management System (VMS) . Both these softwares are running successfully in the Ludhiana central Jail.
After the implementation of these s/w’s The Prisoner’s information is now globally available to all the prisons, police and intelligence and central agencies for various other purposes throughout the country. For more information please visit: https://eprisons.nic.in
National Animal Disease Reporting System(NADRS) :
NIC Ludhiana has implemented the NADRS project for the department of Animal Husbandry, In the first phase, all the NADRS sites (district and at block level) were prepared with the establishment of dedicated computer network (with BSNL connectivity) with linking of each block to the district HQ. Each district hq to the state hq and futher state hq to the country ‘s central unit has been envisaged.This electronic data transmission will result in quick data compilation and report generation . NADRS application contains modules like scheme monitoring , disease reporting, block MIS, NADRS portal and animal disease diagnostic lab’s workflow etc.
Technical Support to the District Administration and Central Govt departments :
NIC Ludhaina is regularly providing IT support to the District Administration and Central Govt departments on various Technical Events/Issues.